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Get together with Huiyin to build a dream and win win together

Time:2017-03-22 Source:

In 2017, the "belt and road" policy promoted the import of cross-border e-commerce to become one of the largest policy dividends in China. In the field of tuyere, there are not only e-commerce giants coming out strongly, but also emerging overseas Taos. However, cross-border e-commerce will directly point to omni-channel o2o in the future.

In June 2015, Huiyin smart community (Stock Code: hk1280), a Hong Kong listed company, made a huge investment to build a global home of Huiyin Lehu, an import cross-border e-commerce platform. Adopt online and offline integration mode to share online sales share. All products are directly purchased from abroad, and we are committed to providing domestic consumers with fast, high-quality and trustworthy foreign authentic shopping experience.


In July of the same year, Nanjing Jiangning's first offline o2o experience store of Huiyin Lehu cross border e-commerce officially opened and became famous in World War I. Then, Jianye store, Longjiang store, Maigaoqiao store, Nantong store, Yangzhou store, Suzhou store, Changzhou store, Hefei store and Tianjin store opened in succession. In November of the same year, Huiyin Lehu app1.0 mall was launched. At that time, Huiyin Lehu will implement the long-term strategy of closed marketing online and offline. Up to now, there have been 10 offline experience stores of Huiyin Lehu, with 600000 online and offline members and increasing sales.



Since its opening, Huiyin Lehu has achieved phased success. It is recognized as a black horse in the import cross-border e-commerce, once highly recognized by friends in the industry and sought after by investors. With mature o2o + P2C business model, strong supply chain resources and the opportunity to upgrade consumption, Huiyin Lehu officially held Huiyin Youjia investment promotion and franchise meeting on March 21 this year! Hundreds of investment partners and industry friends from all over the country gathered together.


Franchisee visits Huiyin Lehu offline physical store

At the beginning of the franchising meeting, Huiyin Lehu arranged its franchised friends to visit Huiyin Lehu's physical store, get close contact with Huiyin Lehu's cross-border direct purchase products, and explain our business model and product sources to franchisees at the store site. Franchisees are more concerned about the number of SKUs in physical stores. Tan Dezhi, director of investment promotion of Huiyin Lehu, stressed that "relying on the advantages of overseas direct mining and Ningbo Free Trade Zone's supply chain, Huiyin Lehu's product category expansion has been growing steadily. It is estimated that the total number of SKUs will reach more than 20000 this year, which can fully meet the multiple demand and supply of physical stores."



Unscramble the policy of investment promotion in all directions at the investment promotion meeting

At this investment promotion meeting, Huiyin Lehu also elaborated various policies of franchise support to franchisees: whole store output and professional support. There are a series of processes and systems from shop location, personnel training, opening operation to daily operation, festival promotion, etc. to ensure that franchisees can truly join without worries and operate smoothly.



Through the wonderful sharing and explanation of leaders of Huiyin Lehu, we have a clearer understanding of the import cross-border e-commerce industry and Huiyin Lehu Youjia project. Our investment partners are more confident in cooperation and more clear about the future development direction. We are also more determined in the selection of Huiyin Youjia project. The on-site investment partners have taken the initiative to ask the meeting staff to sign the intention agreement, and paid the deposit on site. The products have ensured the regional agency right and franchise right. It is reported that the top 1-3 of Huiyin Lehu and the top 4-6 of Huiyin Lehu will present 10000 yuan products and 5000 yuan products respectively



In recent years, based on the irreversibility of the continuous downturn of traditional industries, investment franchisees have begun to find new ways and breakthroughs. Under the special market environment such as rigid demand, pain point, high frequency and strong consumption demand for imported goods in the domestic market, the imported goods experience Pavilion project will undoubtedly become the investment hotspot of the majority of investment franchisees. It is not surprising that Huiyin Lehu global home has absolute advantages in capital, supply chain, terminal operation management and other aspects in the whole retail brand chain field of imported goods, and it has become the preferred brand of the investors.

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