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Air conditioning encounters multiple variables in the Jianghu

Time:2020-04-14 Source:Unknown

    The new energy efficiency standard for air conditioning was implemented on July 1. Experts predict that the existing low-energy and high-power constant frequency air conditioning and air conditioning with three-level energy efficiency of frequency conversion will be eliminated, and the market elimination rate will reach about 45%.

    In April, the sales season of air-conditioners is coming, but this year's air-conditioner market is facing more unknown.

    On March 29, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric, said in an interview with CCTV that the epidemic had a serious impact on Gree and even the whole air conditioning industry. In February, Gree lost 20 billion yuan in revenue. In fact, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, Midea, Gree and other manufacturers in the top camp of the air-conditioning market have started the promotion and inventory clearing mode since the first quarter of this year.

    If the epidemic only affects the current performance of the head manufacturers, then the pressure on the performance of the second and third line air conditioning manufacturers is not a matter of two days a day. On March 28, the financial report of 2019 issued by Changhong Meiling showed that the net profit last year was 56.44 million yuan, an increase of 46% year on year, but the air conditioning business lost more than 100 million yuan. This is also the epitome of the survival of the second and third line air conditioning brands in China.

    This year's climate change is more than that. The new national energy efficiency standard to be implemented on July 1 will also have a profound impact on the industry. The air-conditioning market in 2020 is destined to be unusual. Can the new energy efficiency standard set off a "wave of change"? What are the risks and opportunities in the variables?

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