News Center
  • Air conditioning encounters multiple variables in the Jianghu

    The new energy efficiency standard for air conditioning was implemented on July 1. Experts predict that the existing low-energy and high-power constant frequency air conditioning and air conditioning with three-level energy efficiency of frequency conversion will be eliminated, and the market elimination rate will reach about 45%.

  • The hardest year for color TV: how to win

    "We won the war of annihilation! The world has become a war of" adding oil! "In this context, the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the normalization of returning to work and production, instead of the" frozen "anti epidemic decisive battle, will become the" new normal "of economy in the next period of time, and may span to 2021.

  • Get together with Huiyin to build a dream and win win together

    In 2017, the "belt and road" policy promoted the import of cross-border e-commerce to become one of the largest policy dividends in China. In the field of tuyere, there are not only e-commerce giants coming out strongly, but also emerging overseas Taos. However, cross-border e-commerce will directly point to omni-channel o2o in the future.

  • Mobile real name system will be implemented next month

    The long-awaited real name system of mobile phones has been put on the agenda again, but the possibility of this formal implementation is greater than any previous one. Although some operators said in an interview with the international financial news that they had not received formal notice from the competent authorities, he also said with certainty: "it will be implemented in September."

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  • Add:Address: Room 3602, Jingxing Sea Building, No. 3125, Linhai Avenue, Nanshan Street, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”)