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Mobile real name system will be implemented next month

Time:2012-02-03 Source:Unknown

    The long-awaited real name system of mobile phones has been put on the agenda again, but the possibility of this formal implementation is greater than any previous one. Although some operators said in an interview with the international financial news that they had not received formal notice from the competent authorities, he also said with certainty: "it will be implemented in September."

    A person from China Telecom news agency told reporters that recently, the Ministry of industry and information technology and other relevant departments are making final preparations for the real name system of mobile phones, which will be announced in September. "This implementation is not a pilot project. All operators will implement it at the same time after notification." The person said.

    He told reporters that at present, China Telecom has made preparations for the implementation of mobile real name system, and the conditions for the implementation of mobile real name system have been fully prepared. Once it is confirmed that the notice is issued, China Telecom will implement mobile real name system for new customers in various business outlets.

   According to reports, the Ministry of industry and information technology has recently coordinated three major communication operators to promote the real name system of mobile phones. It is required that from September this year, all users who purchase prepaid mobile phone cards must provide real identity documents, and non real name users who have previously purchased cards will be required to supplement their personal information. The transition period of mobile phone real name system is 2 years. By 2012, all mobile phone real name registration will be completed.

    As early as a year ago, insiders from the Ministry of industry and information technology confirmed to the international financial news that the legal norms of mobile real name registration system jointly formulated by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the Information Office of the State Council had been reported to the State Council. The person said that the implementation of real name system for mobile phones has been studied for a long time in the Ministry of industry and information technology, the main purpose of which is to curb spam messages, so that relevant departments can track and inquire. But in the end, because it is difficult to operate, the operators have studied for four or five years and failed to issue it.

   In addition, some experts pointed out that after the reorganization of the telecommunications industry, China Telecom is the most potential telecom operator to implement the real name system of mobile phones. When China Telecom began to operate mobile communication business, it had verified the original user information, which laid a good foundation for the next development of new users.

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