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executive director执行董事

Time:2024-06-13 Source:

Mr. Yuan Li

Mr. Yuan Li, aged 42, was appointed to the Board on 26 August 2017 as an executive Director of the Company, and was appointed as the chairman of the Board of the Company and the member of the Remuneration Committee on 29 December 2017. Mr. Yuan received his bachelor’s degree from Jilin University (吉林大學) and EMBA of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (長江商學院). He has over six years of experience in the entrepreneurship training industry. Mr. Yuan is currently a director of Noble Trade International Holdings Limited* (聖行國際集團有限公司) which holds approximately 74.96% of the total issued share capital of the Company. Mr. Yuan currently serves as the executive director of the China Chamber of International Commerce and a special member of the Beijing Liaison Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association. Mr. Yuan currently serves as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (中國人民政治協商會議),Chaoyang District, Beijing and a deputy to the People’s Congress of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province (四川省中江縣人民代表大會).

Mr. Xu Xinying

Mr. Xu Xinying, aged 43, was appointed as the non-executive Director of the Company on 26 August 2017, and was re-designated as an executive Director of the Company on 29 December 2017. Mr. Xu was appointed as vice-chairman of the Company on 27 November 2019. Mr. Xu has over eight years of experience in business management, corporate governance and corporate training. He has been a director of Chongqing Saint Information Technology Co., Ltd.* (重慶聖商信息科技有限公司) since August 2014. From November 2016 to June 2022, Mr. Xu was the manager of Beijing Qi Dian New Technology Group Co., Ltd.* (北京奇點新科技集團有限公司). He received his bachelor’s degree from Jilin University (吉林大學).

Mr. Sun Yue

Mr. Sun Yue, aged 56, was appointed as an executive Director, vice chairman and the chief executive officer of the Company on 27 May 2024. Mr. Sun has over 30 years of management experience in the beer and Chinese baijiu industry. Mr. Sun, has been the chairman of the board of directors of Sishijiufang Liquor Co., Ltd.* (肆拾玖坊酒業有限公司) since November 2021. Prior to that, from October 2009 to September 2021, Mr. Sun held various positions in Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd.* (瀘州老窖集團有限責任公司) (“Laojiao Group”) and its subsidiary Laojiao Co.  Ltd.* (瀘州老窖股份有限公司) (stock code: 000568.SZ, whose shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) (“Laojiao Co”). From October 2009 to June 2010 and from June 2010 to June 2015, Mr. Sun served as a deputy general manager and special assistant of the general manger of Laojiao Co, respectively. From June 2015 to December 2015, heserved as a vice president of Laojiao Group. Mr. Sun served as a vice chairman and president of Laojiao Group from December 2015 to September 2021. Before joining Luzhou Laojiao, Mr. Sun served as various roles in Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited (青島啤酒股份有限公司) (“Qingdao Brewery”) and its subsidiaries from July 1993 to October 2009. The shares of Qingdao Brewery are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 600600.SHA) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Stock Exchange”) (stock code: 0168.HKG). During his employment with Qingdao Brewery and its subsidiaries, his last positions were the chairman and general manager ofTsingtao Brewery (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.* (青島啤酒(成都)有限公司) and Tsingtao Brewery (Luzhou) Co., Ltd.* (青島啤酒(瀘州)有限公司). Mr. Sun graduated from Qingdao University of Science and Technology majoring in mechanics with a bachelor’s degree in engineering in July 1993 and obtained a doctoral degree in business administration from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in July 2008.

Mr. Zhuang Liangbao

Mr. Zhuang Liangbao, aged 61, was appointed as an executive Director of the Company on 28 August 2023. He is currently the president and chief financial officer of Shenzhen Qidian Education Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳奇點求學科技有限公司), a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Zhuang served as a secretary to the board, a deputy general manager and a director of Beijing Shengshang Entrepreneurial Technology Co., Ltd. (北京聖商創業科技有限公司) from November 2020 to July 2023. He held the positions as a deputy general manager and a director of Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co., Ltd (蘇州金螳螂建築裝飾股份有限公司), whose shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002081), from April 2004 to April 2013. From December 2000 to September 2003, Mr. Zhuang worked as the board secretary, head of finance department and deputy general manager at Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (浙江華海藥業股份有限公司), whose shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 600521). From October 1995 to December 2000, he served as the finance manager and finance director at Suzhou New District Hi-Tech Industrial Co., Ltd. (蘇州新區高新技術產業股份有限公司), whose shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 600736). Mr. Zhuang was the director of Suzhou Jinchi Commercial Development Co., Ltd.* (蘇州金池商業發展有限公司), which was established in the PRC and was deregistered on 14 December 2010. Mr. Zhuang received a master’s degree in Regional Economics at East China Normal University (華東師範大學) in July 2001. Mr. Zhuang has been a certified public accountantin the PRC since October 1994 and has held the title of a senior economist (高級經濟師) since October 2010.

  • Tel:4000055999
  • Mail:pinxuan@qidianqiuxue.com
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  • Add:Address: Room 3602, Jingxing Sea Building, No. 3125, Linhai Avenue, Nanshan Street, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”)